The Bitch in me !
In the spirit of the upcoming Berlin Film Festival, Bruce gives us his take on an interesting discovery into the German acting scene….
In the spirit of the upcoming Berlin Film Festival, Bruce gives us his take on an interesting discovery into the German acting scene….
Aaron Allred – Brooklyn filmmaker sits with Vivienne from ETVAS Magazine on one of the locations of his next film….
The Creative Director had another one of his “ideas”. He wanted a „German Bad Boy“ for an upcoming editorial and film he’ll be directing next summer and I got the assignment to find this bad boy and set up the shoot…. MORE
This morning I planned to share my opinion as to why no one has seen Fidel Castro in the last half year and whether he’s still alive or not…. Suddenly, I look down at my cappuccino and the cocoa on top formed a shape that looked like “POOKIE.“ Let me explain… MORE