This morning I planned to share my opinion as to why no one has seen Fidel Castro in the last half year and whether he's still alive or not.... Suddenly, I look down at my cappuccino and the cocoa on top formed a shape that looked like “POOKIE.“ Let me explain... <a href=""><i>MORE</i></a>

daily-grind_dogWelcome back to „The Grind“ everybody……This morning I planned to share my opinion as to why no one has seen Fidel Castro in the last half year and whether he’s still alive or not…. Suddenly, I look down at my cappuccino and the cocoa on top formed a shape that looked like “POOKIE.“
Let me explain….There was this hot girl with this dog…..To be honest, I can’t remember which one was named Pookie, but for the sake of the story, let’s call the girl „Hot Girl“ and the dog „Pookie“.
I met „Hot Girl“ in one of the normal places. We talked about the normal stuff. We saw each other the normal amount of times and I spent the normal amount of money to make her like me enough to invite me to her apartment… and then into the bedroom…

There I saw „Pookie“ for the first time…..He was this little dog that sat up on top of Hot Girl’s clothing cabinet. He didn’t bark or jump down and smell my leg like normal dogs……The only acknowledgement of my presence was this cold, judging stare that he had….If his head had not followed me wherever I went in the room, I would have thought he was just a stuffed animal……
Okay, back to the action and in the words of that famous poet Jay Z, „It’s about to go down“….. „Hot Girl“ starts her foreplay ritual while I start going through my mental playbook trying to figure out the proper lovemaking strategy…..I decide to go with the „Mission Mary“. The fellas out there know which one I mean…. Anyway, as I started opening „Hot Girl’s“ Manolo heels, I looked up at „Pookie“ who seemed totally unimpressed so far, and wondered with how many men and how many times he had watched „Hot Girl“  in this situation… It was only for a second, but I did wonder….And I have to say that it DID throw my game off a little……
Now, I won’t bore (or perhaps impress) you with all the details of what turned out to be one of the best sexual performances of my life. But I’ll just say, trying to get ANY kind of reaction from this dog; a wagging of his tail, a raising of his ears, or a sudden tongue-hanging pant, became the quest of this 22 minute interlude. And believe me I tried everything…But when he yawned at minute 12 (my normal finishing point), well, that became the motivation to find the additional 10 minutes until Pookie finally growled. Now it could have been that a cat walked pass the window, or he could have been reacting to the painful-looking knots that I had „Hot Girl“ tied in by now. That mystery will never be solved…….
„Hot Girl“, oh yea, Lauren is here name, still „Booty Calls“ me to this day. But I’m afraid to go over there…She doesn’t have Pookie anymore, and I don’t have any blue pills……

Aaron – Daily Grind