The Creative Director had another one of his “ideas”. He wanted a „German Bad Boy“ for an upcoming editorial and film he’ll be directing next summer and I got the assignment to find this bad boy and set up the shoot. He made a comment about how the term “German Bad Boy” is an oxymoron, but I was determined….I thought a moment about it. Names like Wilson Gonzales Ochsenknecht, Elyas M’Barek, Til Schweiger came up……And I was beginning to think that he was right. I couldn’t say that these actors in my eyes represent bad boys.
I then had the idea to create a bad boy.
At first, I tried to remember the names of some of the actors in tv series I watch. I went to the „Gossip Girl“ page and found pictures of „Nate Archibald“ and „Chuck Bass“. I Googled „bad boy“ and the first person that showed up was „Twilight“ star Robert Pattinson. I laughed. He looks nice and has a mysterious look. But that’s all. And then „Sin City“ star Josh Hartnett came up. He did an advertisement for Armani men cologne and laying next to him a hot girl desperately grabbing at his shirt. On his face an amused, winner smile. I was getting closer.
Suddenly, I saw pictures of James Dean and another handsome guy who were both wearing only white t-shirts, jeans and sneakers. Later I found out that the other guy was Marlon Brando, and he and James Dean were the original bad boys. My mood board is set….
I was introduced to a young good-looking, up and coming actor named “Paul” and
I booked Germany’s hottest photographer Oliver Rath, a real life bad boy.
Shooting day. The styling and make up are done. Oliver Rath shows up…Let’s Rock and Roll!
Vivienne – The Daily Grind